Phone : 312-612-1079
Email : helen@nklawllp.com
Location : Chicago
LinkedIn Link : https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-o-shaughnessy-b3860218/
Title : Partner


– The Catholic University Of America, B.A. Philosophy  (2003)

– Loyola University of Chicago, School of Law  (2007)

Helen O’Shaughnessy began her legal career in law school working as a law clerk with the City of Chicago’s Municipal Prosecutions Unit and a judicial intern with the Honorable Wayne R. Andersen in the Northern District of Illinois. After graduating from Loyola University’s School of Law in 2007, she became an Assistant Corporation Counsel defending the City of Chicago and Chicago Police Officers from various civil rights allegations until 2012. She moved on to work for the Illinois Department of Insurance as an Assistant General Counsel providing all manner of legal support to the Department and prosecuting insurance regulatory actions. O’Shaughnessy then returned to litigation as an Assistant States Attorney in the Civil Actions Bureau defending torts, civil rights and employment actions, as well as prosecuting disciplinary actions before the Sheriff’s Merit Board. Prior to joining Nathan & Kamionski LLP, Helen was General Counsel for Chicago’s Independent Police Review Authority. Prior to law school, she received a degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of America in 2003 and taught at the Einstein Academy in Elgin, Illinois.

  • Illinois(2007)
  • Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
  • Northern District of Illinois
  • Southern District of Illinois
  • Central District of Illinois